
Monday, November 15, 2010

40 Days of Blogging - Day One

Father John, our priest at the parish we are going to in Prescott has started a 40 Days of Blogging event at his website, The Preachers Institute, to coincide with the 40 days of fasting that lead up to Nativity (Christmas) which is commonly referred to as the Advent Fast. I have decided to participate in this event made up of Orthodox bloggers who are both clergy and laity. So you can expect a lot of great stuff from them, and from me... just cope.

Nativity has always been a special time for Laura and I, but this year the event carries with it ever increasing excitement. On Christmas Eve at 6 PM Laura and I will be baptized, chrismated, and become members of the Orthodox Church! This is the main reason for me deciding to be part of the event. When the 40 Days of Blogging has ended, Laura and I will beginning our life in the Orthodox church, and perhaps this might be an interesting read for those who are curious about the direction our life is headed.

I hope to post about the history of our "journey east", issues we have had to face both doctrinally and personally, and little tidbits about Orthodoxy and specifically the Advent season. There has been alot we have learned along the way and a crazy amount more to learn and experience. As Laura is fond of saying (courtesy of Ken Olson) about the paradigm shift we had in discovering Orthodoxy, we have had to "Learn, Unlearn, and Relearn." And it has been great. Difficult, but great as well.

Ok, so... 40 days of Blogging. I'm on it. Will there be 39 more posts? Man, I hope so. I can probably get away with posting youtube videos when I have nothing to say, so it is likely that this blog will consist of one post and 39 videos! So, if anyone does read this and has questions, please send them my way so I have something to write about.


  1. Excellent opening blog! I didn't even think about how cool it is that the Nativity Fast will culminate in your being Chrismated! I look forward to your upcoming blogs.

  2. Kenny,

    If you should resort to blogging videos, please do not let them be of family vacations...Please:)

  3. Excellent post. I am thoroughly enjoying the retelling of your adventure. I love the photos as well.
